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It’s been a long time since I lasted posted. Work got the better of me for a few months there. I also took some time off from working on my online stuff over Christmas and focussed on just knitting, which is a bit odd, never really felt the need to have a break from it all before. But I’m back now!

Been doing a bit of spinning this weekend. Got a beautiful braid for my birthday all the way back in September:

spinning fibre braid

I wound it into a ball and I’ve been pulling it apart at colour changes to try to keep them as separate as possible:spinning fibre spinning keeping colour changes separate

Impossible to keep the colours totally separate (for me at least!) but it’s looking pretty good so far:

spinning keeping colour changes separate

Here’s a close up:

spinning keeping colour changes separate

My plan at the moment is to Navajo ply it and use it for stripes in a jumper. I’m thinking maybe in a dark royal blue yarn with stripes of the handpun through it. I’ve been thinking a lot about using my handspun and just regular machine spun yarn in a project, think this would look pretty cute!



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Filed under Knitting, Spinning, Spinning Fibre, Yarn

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