Tag Archives: knitting pattern

New Patterns

What a week! It was the last week of term here so been busy with school  award ceremonies, plays and day-to-day mayhem, as well as getting two job applications in. For months, it seems like there’ve been no teaching jobs advertised anywhere that we could move to with D’s job (and his job’s quite incredibly flexible about where he could live!) and then three come up at once. So with a bit of luck we could be moving to Perth, Stirling or back home to Fife. Fingers crossed!

Haven’t managed to get any spinning done in what seems like weeks now, but I do have a bit of knitting to show you. I’ve just released Asphodel Shawl on Ravelry.

Asphodel Shawl Pattern by Littletheorem.  lace shawl, geometric design.

I really love this shawl, it’s a pretty geometric design that goes from big diamonds to small diamonds with a pretty lace border. And it’s giant! You can totally wrap yourself up in it. I love it for reading in bed to keep my shoulders warm.

Asphodel Shawl lace knitting pattern by Littletheorem. Geometric lace design.

It’s also available on Craftsy and Etsy, in case you’re interested!

Here’s another FO to show you. This is knitted up from the Gotland yarn I bought from Croft Wools up on Applecross in the summer.

Lace scarf handknitted from Gotland yarn.

I’m hopefully going to get the pattern written up this week…. It’s lightly felted which really softened up the yarn and gives it a really pretty finish. Haven’t thought of a name for it yet either, thinking of pattern names is so hard!

er FO to show you. This is knitted up from the Gotland yarn I bought from Croft Wools up on Applecross in the summer.

Lace scarf handknitted from Gotland yarn.


Filed under Knitting, Knitting Patterns, Teaching, Yarn

Islay Hat

Added a new free hat pattern to my Littletheorem site today. Islay Hat is a simple, unisex hat available in two sizes. The stitch pattern is Twisted Moss Stitch, it’s become a firm favourite with me!

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The pattern’s available for free on my Littletheorem website and you can download it from Ravelry too.

I know I said last week that I was planning on making a hat from my handspun gradient yarn:



But I think it’s going to become a shawl. Here’s the (very limited!) progress so far. You can see bits of pinky red just turning up at the edge:

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Couldn’t get a better shot of the whole thing, knitting it up on old needles and they’re very twisty!

A wee treat turned up for me in the post this week too. It’s my first year as a fully qualified teacher so I’ve had a pretty big payrise. When my first month’s pay turned up, I of course had to look into purchasing a sweater quantity of cashmere. I found a website selling the only uk grown cashmere, from a gorgeous farm in Devon. And the cashmere is amazing!! Really soft and smooshy with a beautiful halo. It’s going to be a bottom-up, raglan sweater in double moss stitch if all goes to plan.

Here’s a pic of the yarn


And a close-up of the swatch:


Mmmmm, fuzzy…..


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Filed under Hat, Knitting, Knitting Patterns, Spinning, Teaching